Monday, January 26, 2009

Mining Faith to dig out Hope!

In this place right here I am digging a hole. The shovel rings as it glances off of a stone hidden beneath the rich soil. The shock vibrates up my arms and tingles in my hands. I shake it off. I am determined to find treasure in the dirt of this ground.
I have a map. It is an ancient piece of parchment stained with the grime of many hands. The sweats of brows furrowed in longing concentration have left dried rivulets across it. I imagine the seekers who came before me holding it reverently. Their eyes sparkling with the potential of dreams long held. I sense the same look in my eyes now as I lift shovel full after shovel of dirt from the deepening hole.
The excavated soil is forming up into a great mound. It has the heady smell of mystery unveiled as it comes moist from the earth, the odor of things long buried and forgotten. In my mind I beseech the earth to give up its secret and lay at my feet the priceless relic which lies within its silent grasp.
I am mining faith to dig out hope but I am wondering if its depth is sufficient to enclose the breadth of hope that I require.

It seems that even when I know that God has orchestrated events in such a way that I find myself in a certain place at a certain time I still question the wisdom of remaining where I am. Why is it that my faith seems so inadequate to sustain the hope within me that would make the waiting so much easier? Maybe that is the point. There are greater needs for patient enduring on the horizon and in the insufficiency of my faith now it is stretching and growing but never to the point of failing.
God is simply amazing. He knows what crucible is needed to refine me. How hot to make the fire. How long to leave me there. He also knows that in order for me to survive the experience in a way that makes me stronger rather than leaving me damaged, I need a lot of tender care. He supplies that as well.

So I am digging a hole but God has provided the site, complete with soil, just enough rocks, and a shovel to dig with. A breeze is blowing and it carries a song of encouragement. The son is shining and joy fills my soul. I sense God enjoying this communion. I laugh. The work is light and it goes quickly.

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