Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Unity with Diversity in Community with the TRINITY

I was listening to a broadcast of "Let my People Think" by Ravi Zacharias this afternoon and something he said really struck me. It resonated deep down inside me as it concisely summarized what I have been pondering for many months now. He said, and this is a paraphrase, in the body of Christ we have unity with diversity in community with the trinity.
That is so right on! In the church, the body of Christ, we are unique individuals. Left to conform to our own systems of community we would remain forever fragmented. Like choosing like, loners existing in isolation, the strong ruling over the weak.
In Christ however we are all called to operate in unison according to the gifts and talents that we have been given. We don't strive to be cookie cutter images of each other, we learn to use our abilities to compliment each other. We don't train ourselves to all perform the same tasks or to all serve the body in the same way. In Christ our uniqueness is empowered. It takes the whole church working together to accomplish the mission.
This is great news. I am under no obligation to be anything other than what God made me to be. I can serve right here right now. We all can. It's a perfect plan.

Check out what Paul has to say about it. Eph 4:1-16

1 comment:

  1. Just from reading your blog's title (and even before reading the first sentence), I knew you must have been listening to Ravi Zacharias! I LOVE listening to his daily program, "Just Thinking"...his insights are amazing & enriching. And as to the rest of your post, I can only say a hearty AMEN! It realy is a beautiful thing to behold when you see all the unique personalities, perspective, & giftings of people working together to advance the kingdom of God. God bless you richly, Tipton. I continue to enjoy reading your posts.
